Conference FAQs 2024

Q: What time zone is this taking place in?

A: Eastern Standard Time. We’re scheduled workshops throughout the day so that our participants in many different time zones can participate live as well.

Q: How can I access the Zoom meetings?

A: We will post the schedule and the Zoom links on it in the days prior to the conference.

Q: Are the sessions recorded?

A: YES! All language classes and workshops will be recorded and made available to you after the conference for over six months of viewing.Access ends on January 31st, 2025. It is also possible to purchase an extension for 3 more months if you want more time.

Q: What is the difference between classes and workshops? What about classes for teachers vs classes for students?

A: Classes for teachers: An opportunity for you to be a student! (See next question.)

Classes for students: An opportunity for you to OBSERVE elementary, middle and high school students engaged in a language class. (More below.)

Workshops: Presentations on particular topics related to language teaching. The workshops are scheduled in the afternoons Monday-Friday. 

Q: What are the language classes for teachers?

A: We can't emphasize enough the importance of being a student in a language different from one you speak! Especially if you are new to comprehension input (CI)-based classes. We are offering Italian, Mandarin, and Cherokee. We’ve planned these classes to work with east and west coast time zones. This is an invaluable experience!

Q: What if I decide to switch language classes?

A: Of course we think it is valuable to stick with your language class over the full five days- not only to feel what it feels like to acquire a language this way, but also to learn valuable teaching strategies. All the other classes will be recorded, so you don't need to feel like you need to bounce around to experience everything. But, if the class doesn't feel like a good match to you of course you can decide to do something else! There are no rules for your participation-- this conference is for YOU!

Q: What are the “debriefs”? 

A: At the end of every language class you will have the chance to reflect upon and discuss what you observed. We want you to think about what the instructor did to create community and to help students feel comfortable. We’d also like you to dialogue around how the instructor made the language comprehensible for students. This is when you’ll have a chance to hear from the instructor and to ask questions. 

Q: There is so much on the schedule! Should I be at my computer all day?

A: No!!! Unless you want to, of course. We planned everything to try to work with people from Alaska to Portugal. Partake in as much or as little as you like!

Q: Zumba class?

A: We all need to get up and get moving! These sessions will help us remember to move and breathe and have fun! The Zumba classes will be “cameras off”. These sessions will not be recorded.

Q: Will “meet and eat” and evening activities be recorded?

A: It depends. If they are casual conversations or involve break-out rooms, no. If they are informative sessions, yes.

Q: Do I get a Certificate of Completion?

A: Yes! We will post it on this site at the end of the conference. 

Q: How do I sign up for graduate-level credit? How many credits can I get?

A: You can get from 1-6 credits depending on the amount of work you want to do. Credits are through the University of the Pacific- so all questions should be directed to them. All the info you need can be found here. 

Q: This is my first workshop on comprehensible input/acquisition driven instruction. What do you recommend I do?

A: Be a student in a new language!!! Observe language classes. We will also curate the list of workshops to choose our most recommended for you as you set off on your CI journey! 

Q: Where do I go for questions during the conference?

A: We recommend the “help desk”, “Cloud Café”, Facebook Group, or emailing [email protected].

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